Welcome to Silence, Stillness, and Solitude
What am I supposed to do? Nothing. Just sit here in silence, not moving, alone for 3-5 minutes.
Shouldn't I read the Bible or something? That's important, but the purpose of this spiritual discipline is to do nothing.
Can I pray? Not really. You are trying to listen for God not talk to Him, that will come later.
I'm not getting anything out of this. You won't the first few times you do it, and that's the point. You need to realize that God is great, you are small, He is sufficient without you, and you are nothing without Him.
Why am I doing this? Because being silent, still, and solitary are spiritual disciplines that calm our busy minds so that we can more clearly hear from God. We are trying to listen before we speak.
After a time of silence (3-5 minutes) you are encouraged to talk with God about one of the 9 Questions below, to pray a Psalm, or to spend time studying God's Word.
Shouldn't I read the Bible or something? That's important, but the purpose of this spiritual discipline is to do nothing.
Can I pray? Not really. You are trying to listen for God not talk to Him, that will come later.
I'm not getting anything out of this. You won't the first few times you do it, and that's the point. You need to realize that God is great, you are small, He is sufficient without you, and you are nothing without Him.
Why am I doing this? Because being silent, still, and solitary are spiritual disciplines that calm our busy minds so that we can more clearly hear from God. We are trying to listen before we speak.
After a time of silence (3-5 minutes) you are encouraged to talk with God about one of the 9 Questions below, to pray a Psalm, or to spend time studying God's Word.
9 Questions
- In what ways do you not like your life as it presently is? Be honest, God already knows.
- In what ways is your life not like the life of Jesus? Don’t just say “I’m not nice to people” how is your life lacking Jesus’ love, joy, peace, forgiveness, goodness, righteousness, gentleness, and self-control?
- How do you need to experience Christ’s love? In what ways are you trying to satisfy yourself with earthly pleasures, achievements, power, or sin?
- What Spiritual Disciplines do you need more of in your life? What difference could it make?
- Why is your life lacking Christ’s peace? What are you not trusting Him with?
- In what relationships do you need to show Christ’s grace and forgiveness? Tell Him why it is hard.
- In what decisions do you need God’s wisdom? Explain the situation to Him as if you were talking to a friend.
- Why is your life lacking Christ’s joy? What are you valuing more than Him? What are you trying to achieve in your own power?
- In what ways are you lacking Christ’s faithfulness? What sins have you refused to confess and repent from?
Pray the Psalms
Oración de un pecador arrepentido
"For All Times of Life""
Zach McAlack
El Padre Nuestro
"God, I need you to save me"
El Señor, herencia del justo en vida y en muerte
"You are my safe place"
El Señor es mi pastor
"When Life is Hard"
Zach McAlack
"I need to Confess"
"Life is Awful Right Now"
"The Good Life is Blessed"
"Your Love is Always With Me"
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