Calvary is centrally located in the Lehigh Valley and meets at 5300 Green Pond Road, Easton, PA which is at the corner of Routes 22 and 33.
Calvary’s Worship Service is at 10:15am. Ample parking is available.
We’re all here for one reason —
to make much of Jesus together!
Every Sunday
at 10:15am
Calvary Baptist Church gathers to make much of Jesus as He builds His Gospel Community in our midst.

What should I expect
when I arrive?
When you enter, you will see a big Welcome Center with people waiting to help you. These friendly people can answer any questions you may have and give you a visitor's pack containing more information about ministries at Calvary.

What about my kids?
Parents can securely check in their children at the Calvary Kids Welcome Center, which you'll see to the right after you enter the building. Childcare is available for children 0-4 yrs. of age for the entire service. Kids, K-4th grade, will be dismissed from the service before the sermon.

What's the service like?
A typical service is about 75 minutes long. Our times of prayer are reflective, our music is modern: a mix of the best of contemporary songs and updated hymns. Sermons last about 35 minutes and focus on the exposition of God's Word.