We are a community striving together for God's global glory and mission.
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations... Matthew 28:19
Calvary’s mission is to Build Gospel Communities. At the most basic level, this starts with Jesus’ Great Commission to go and make disciples. Calvary began as an evangelistic outreach to German-speaking immigrants in South Bethlehem in 1911, and outreach has been a part of our DNA ever since. We want every Calvary member to be equipped to make disciples as we point the people around us to Jesus.

Church Planting
With the amount of unbelievers still in the Lehigh Valley, and the many people moving here, we need more gospel-preaching, Jesus loving churches that can help reach people for Christ. For the last several years, church planting and building new gospel gommunities has been on the heart of Calvary’s Elders.
As we pray and explore what this means for us, the Lord may be calling you to join us in a new church plant. Will you join the mission?
As we pray and explore what this means for us, the Lord may be calling you to join us in a new church plant. Will you join the mission?

Global Outreach
The Great Commission compels us to cross-cultural, linguistic, and geographic boundaries to make disciples around the world. We are especially called to do this in areas where there is little or no presence of the Gospel. We do this through sustained partnerships with missionaries and ministries such as the North American Baptist Conference and other missions organizations doing the work of Bible translation, church planting, and discipleship. We are blessed to have these partnerships in Cameroon, Hungary, India, Japan, and other strategic nations.
To learn more about particular missionaries, you can pick up newsletters from our missionaries in our lobby and attend our seasonal missionary luncheons. We are called to pray for the spread of the Gospel around the world. Will you join the mission in prayer?
To learn more about particular missionaries, you can pick up newsletters from our missionaries in our lobby and attend our seasonal missionary luncheons. We are called to pray for the spread of the Gospel around the world. Will you join the mission in prayer?

Mercy Ministries
Loving others by meeting their practical needs through our deeds of love is the heart of Mercy Ministry. At Calvary, it mainly focuses on our own church family through our Benevolence Fund. But, it also extends to strategic partnerships such as a hospital in Cameroon, a local food bank, and the local Bright Hope Pregnancy Support Center. Mercy Ministries seeks to equip Calvary to live justly and love mercy.
Will you join the mission to “do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God” (Micah 6:8)?
Will you join the mission to “do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God” (Micah 6:8)?