Childcare at both services Kid's Church dismissed from each service
Student Ministry, BeTweens, and Prayer Meeting meet Wednesdays at 7:00p.
Sunday Services 9 & 10:45am
It's Clean
We have started to use a form of sanitization which is effective on surfaces for ninety days. The sanctuary was sprayed with this special cleaning agent, in addition to the sanctuary’s filtering system. We started a Saturday night service was to allow for the sanctuary’s cleaning. Since it is not as urgent to have the services spaced apart for ventilation and cleaning, we can now have the two services scheduled closer again.
Join a Volunteer Teams
Our volunteers serve as greeters, section hosts (helping people find seats), in music, in tech and with children and students. We require that our volunteers be members of Calvary. You can contact [email protected] to learn more.
This is the "old normal"
We are so excited to be worshipping God during our usual worship times. These times represent the times prior to the onset of COVID-19 and we are excited to do something that feels like the "old normal"
Kid's Church at Both Services
There will be classes for early childhood and kid's church at both service hours. Kid's Church is dismissed from the sanctuary just before the Sermon. On Communion Sundays, Children will be present for Communion.
BeTweens will have a discipleship time also dismissed from the 10:45 service only. They will remain for the duration of the service on Communion Sundays.
Identical Services
We are returning to our old Liturgy: about 75 minutes built around the narrative of scripture (Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration). Our services highlight the Adoration of God, the need for Confession, a Response of Grace, and Sending.
We still request that you wear a masks in each service.